Fondatore di Milan Ingegneria, laureato in Ingegneria Civile nel 1977 e da allora si occupa di progettazione, supervisione e completamento di opere complesse, utilizzando anche materiali non convenzionali come pietra precompressa, vetri strutturali, laminati incollati legname, bambù, terre pisè, leghe leggere e materiali compositi. Ha preso parte a numerosi progetti sia in Italia che all’estero,in collaborazione con architetti italiani e stranieri di fama mondiale come Renzo Piano, Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Arata Isozaki,Rem Koolhaas, Herzog & de Meuron, completando più di mille opere fino ad oggi. Nel 1982 ha fondato “Favero & Milan Ingegneria” da cui ha lasciato nel gennaio 2013 per costituire la “Milan Ingegneria S.r.l.”, che rappresenta tutta l’esperienza e la competenza maturata in trent’anni di attività nel campo della realizzazione di opere civili, commerciali, industriali e infrastrutturali, sia pubbliche e il settore privato.
Milan Ingegneria’s founder, graduated in Civil Engineering in 1977 and since then, he has been involved in the design, supervision and completion of complex works, also using unconventional materials such as pre-stressed stone, structural glass, glued laminated timber, bamboo, terre pisè, light alloys and composite materials. He has taken part in numerous projects both in Italy and abroad, in collaboration with world-famous Italian and foreign architects as Renzo Piano, Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Arata Isozaki, Rem Koolhaas, Herzog & de Meuron, completing over one thousand works to the day. In 1982, he founded “Favero&Milan Ingegneria” which he left in January 2013 to set up “Milan Ingegneria S.r.l.”, which represents all the experience and expertise gained in thirty years of activity in the field of construction of civil, commercial, industrial and infrastructural works, both in the public and the private sector.
Milan Ingegneria’s founder, graduated in Civil Engineering in 1977 and since then, he has been involved in the design, supervision and completion of complex works, also using unconventional materials such as pre-stressed stone, structural glass, glued laminated timber, bamboo, terre pisè, light alloys and composite materials. He has taken part in numerous projects both in Italy and abroad, in collaboration with world-famous Italian and foreign architects as Renzo Piano, Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Arata Isozaki, Rem Koolhaas, Herzog & de Meuron, completing over one thousand works to the day. In 1982, he founded “Favero&Milan Ingegneria” which he left in January 2013 to set up “Milan Ingegneria S.r.l.”, which represents all the experience and expertise gained in thirty years of activity in the field of construction of civil, commercial, industrial and infrastructural works, both in the public and the private sector.